Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Fourteen blogs including this directory.

Musings: Lauds & Laments (mostly about music)
Lucy and Leo (re faith journey)
Make Love Joy Peace (re ML & JP)
MLz Dear Tessa (stories of my life)
MLz Letters (mostly to God)
MLz Dreams (select dreams)
MLz Favorite Poetry (just as it says)
MLz Quotary (collection of quotes)
MLz Jokes (collection of jokes)
MLz Prayer List (accumulative prayer concerns)
MLz To-Do List (dreams and drivel)
MLz Etudes (exercies in observing What-Is)
MLz 2009 (just as it says)
MLz Blog Directory (comments re other blogs)

Monday, October 12, 2009


Doing a kind of mental inventory today. Posting something in each blog. Next I'm going to exercise answering "who, what, where, and when," but not allow myself to think about the "how and why." I need to excercise thinking about what IS.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Nothing New

'Saw an article about earning money through google ad posting. Bought the start-up kit, began checking it out, found I have to allow cookies on my computer, decided against it, and cancelled right away!

But it got me thinking about what I would be allowed and willing to sell. Most of what I do on the internet is simply highlighting others' work or attaching a brief commentary as I pass it along. For all the personalization that goes into my WindowsLiveSpace, my various blogs, and my YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter accounts, there really isn't much on any of these that is truly mine. I just find stuff already on the internet that I like or think is note-worthy for some reason and re-post it.

And really, when I look at what others "create," I see mostly reconstruction. I.e. I tend to think like the author of Ecclesiastes: "there is nothing new under the sun." (Eccl. 1:9). I tend to think the only truly New work going on is whatever the Holy Spirit does w/in us! And even God prefers to redeem! God finished creating on the 6th day; ever since it's been a matter of redemption!!!

Now, I realize the way people make money through AdSense is not by creating new things or selling their own stuff! It's simply a matter of being a host for Ads; others make stuff they want to sell, you post their ads through Google, and Google splits the advertising profits w/ you. So what I was prompted to ponder is really another matter. I wouldn't have needed to mention what triggered my tangent. But I'm blogging on Blogspot (which is a product of Google) about another Google product that could produce profit for my use of its two products! Basically all I'd have to do is be willing to cater to an audience, attract viewers (to the ads), and allow cookies on my computer (another type of viewer!). It strikes me as mirrors w/in mirrors and someone is willing to pay for the viewing of peripheral images...

And again, I'm saying nothing new here, and I'm probably saying it poorly. Really, I just felt like typing!!! ;)

Friday, August 7, 2009

God is good, all the time.

U know how people ask if u c ur cup as half empty or half full? Well, those choices have never satisfied me! I've decide my cup is full & running over even though it's also draining out the bottom & sides. Kind-of like a collander! I'm sometimes tempted 2 feel guilty that God has 2 be so lavish w/ His Love poured out on me (as if Love could ever b wasted!) Then I think, maybe He likes using me as a filter!!! :)))

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

NewBlog MakeLoveJoyPeace

Decided to add another blog that will be dedicated to ML&JPz journey.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Started another blog today, a place to put jokes I like.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

MLz To-Do List

Added another blog today just for to-do lists! Lol! :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


'Decided to make this my "Home-Blog." Anyone who reads any of my blogs can find the others, but this one makes more sense as a starting point for various reasons.

I don't have any readers (that I know of) so far anyway, so machts nichts!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Busy Schedule

I'm tired of being so busy. 3 special events on top of 3 Masses per weekend is too much! I can't wait 'til Holy Week! I'm looking forward to having time to think! And to reflect! To pray and journal... Mostly to be still for a few minutes each day!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Special Features on Blogger

I still don't know how to use the special features designed into this blog template! I know I can list bloggs I follow... And I can publish posts like in other blogs... Is that all there is to this special list-type blog???

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Digg Alan Keyes

Joined "Digg" today. 'Want to route Alan Keyes' blog here. We'll see...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Trying new things

I'm still trying to figure out how to use this particular... template? or blog application??? I want this "Blog Directory" to serve as an index for me of other blogs I "follow" or simply want to make note of...

What I have yet to learn is how this template/app differs from the other blog types...